Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

God Bless Liovio: Babies and Kids

Dan perlahan2 semangat itu mulai pudar. Secercah keraguan menyusup.
Yang tadinya excited skali mo beking olshop baju skarang mulai ragu.

Bagimana kalo nda laku??

Bagimana kalo cuma mo tabadiang bagitu??

Bagimana kalo nda ada yang tertarik??

Yup. Saya mulai goyah sodara2! Dan di saat seperti ini biasanya cuma satu peraduan yang bersedia mendengar. Hanya ada satu yang bersedia menjadi semacam tempat menumpahkan semua keraguan yang berserakan. Tuhan.
Ya. Cuma kepada Dia saya bisa bebas menceritakan semua kekhawatiran yang berlebihan.
Okay, saya bukan orang yang religius. Saya nggak hobi baca alkitab. Lagu rohani di playlist saya cuma ada dua. Itupun lagu hillsong kids, didonlot berdasarkan permintaan anak saya yang pertama, Lionel. Ke gereja? Tuhan tau betapa sering saya melewatkan sunday service. Tahun ini, saya baru sekali ke gereja. Perjamuan kudus saya nggak ikut :( how sad.
Memang kayaknya nggak adil kalo setelah saya nggak pernah sekalipun maen ke rumahNya, tau2 saya minta didengar.
Saya berdoa, setiap hari. Kebanyakan kalo mau ngasih makan anak2, dan sebelum anak2 tidur.
Saya nggak tau apa pendapat Tuhan soal ini tapi sekarang saya pengen curcol. Saya mulai ragu sama online shop ini. Hihihihi.
Terbayang Tuhan tersenyum pada bagian ini.
Tadinya saya semangat empatlima. Sekarang malah mulai ragu. Astagaa. Sepertinya saya perlu menenangkan diri. Saya butuh sebuah dorongan positif. Yang akan mencuci otak saya menghilangkan semua tanda tanya besar. Saya ngeri membayangkan usaha ini nggak akan ada hasilnya :(

Saya tau saya udah nggak bisa mundur lagi. Pada titik ini saya harus punya banyak bekal percaya diri dengan apa yang saya lakukan. Maju dan tendang semua kekhawatiran bodoh itu. Kemonlah. Jualan kan keahlian saya. Saya pintar membuat orang tertarik. Setidaknya pengalaman susah jadi sales pernah saya rasakan. Dan saya nggak buruk2 amat pada bidang ini. Aminnn. Kiranya Tuhan mau membukakan jalan dan mau memberkati semua kerja keras ini :)

God bless Liovio: Babies and Kids

Yang tertarik pengen beli2 baju2 bayi ato baju anak bisa menghubungi saya. Saya nggak punya web pribadi. Sebenarnya saya pengen bikin tapi saya nggak tau gimana bikinnya ato harus ke siapa buat bikin web. Saya kerja sendirian.
Dan saya masih numpang di facebook dengan page yang likes-nya dikit banget. Itupun pake inbox satu2 juga numpang di comment page laen :p
Tapi saya punya personal kontak yang bisa dihubungi.
Kalo Tuhan memang berkenan biarlah usaha saya akan berjalan dengan baik dan jauh dari masalah. Saya butuh like yg banyak di page saya. Tolong kasih like page saya, kalo anda kebetulan liat postingan ini.

x aja nggak pake o (bau keringat soalnya)

Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Prince Charming of Mine

Prince Charming.

Don't be overreacted. I want to be honest, straight, to the point, that i have a lot of Prince Charming!!!

Half of them are not exist in this world. Fiction. A character.
Poor me. Judge me, but I prefer to be in love with a character than a real man. Man is bad. Worst. The worst thing. Real man is not a good idea for being in love with!! It's a disaster to live with them. Note it!

Okay okay I know I'm out of the topic. Lol.

If I talk abt man (from this paragraph I'll mention 'boy'. Sounds better,right?, the first thing I have to do is, a list. Interesting,huh? I have a lot. I told you before :)

Michael Moscovits
He was the first character in book whom I'm in love with. Before the film of Princess Diaries was released, before I saw how handsome Michael in the movie, I had been in love with the Michael in the book. I knew how he smiled, I know how he just stared and not doing something although he had a lot to say. Mia wrote she was in love with every fiber of her being. I do!! Me too!! I love him. It has been 10years and more but you know what?, I can't stop falling in love with Michael.

Peter Wilson
Do you know the different between: you fall in love with someone you watch,and fall in love with someone you read??? I know it more than every one.
When you are in love with someone you watch on movie, then when he have to die (at the story), you may be sad. Yeah I know it when Jack had to sank when Billy the Kid must be murder, I know I'm sad. But somewhere deep in me, my mind maybe, know that Leonardo di Caprio played Jack. And he is alive. Liam is alive too. Gatsby died. But Leo is still alive. Can you get? Do you understand so far?  I hope you got what I meant. I cried when Romeo committed suicide. But somewhere deep in my soul know it was Leonardo di Caprio played the Romeo. I can smile then. In case of Peter Wilson, I can't find any substitutes of him. He died. He passed away and Danielle Steel kept writing. The story is going on. Without Peter!! Unfair. Yeah I know it is only a story. But I, I love Peter Wilson. I love the way he smiled, I love the way he thought, I love how he was. He was handsome, passion, he was so positive and he passed away. I don't know why but until now, I can't let him go. Steel wrote that he had passed away and on the next page the story kept going. I wanted to burn the book. Yup. I was so sad and until now I hate Steel. She thinks she can create one and can take him away. I read the other books but I don't want to give her tolerance I love Peter since the first time I read the alphabets of P E T E and R.

Josh Carmichael
You habe to read the book before. If you've read Asking For Trouble by elizabeth young, I'm sure you know why I love him. He's adorable. He's handsome. He's so kind. He understands girl :) I know I didn't make it clear with all these compliment of Josh but I've told you, you'll understand why he's on my list. Yeah I love chicklit. I haven't seen the movie The Wedding Date (which based on the novel) but I read some bad reviews of it. I'll watch it later.

One of The Warriors of Suzaku (Suzaku Seven), Tamahome has stolen my heart since the first time I saw him. It's Fushigi Yuugi (The Mysterious Play, Curios Play). A manga by Yuu Watase, it's about a girl, Miaka, who pulled into a book when she read it. She became the main character on The Universenof Four God and she had to search and collect all the seven suzaku and common suzaku. But I'm here not to tell about the book. I want to tell you how I love Tamahome. So Miaka met Tamahome when she and her friend Yui was trapped for the first time the entered the book. He helped them escape from some bad guys. He's so cute, you know. And handsome. He loves his family. I like how he treat his brother and sisters. He worked so hard for his family. I want to be loved like Tamahome loved Miaka. She's lucky, has Tamahome on her side. I like him most when the 'Demon' sign appear. It bothers me when the story goes on. How Tamahome appear in the real world as Taka. I don't want to see him as Taka so I don't read it any further. I don't watch the sequel of the animes. I finished the manga on the #17.

Okay. They are all on my Top Ten Charming Boys. If you keep follow all my writing, you'll find out my mind is always full of boys. I have some Wonder Boys, which exists in this world-- of course they're out of my hand,lol. I use my position as a girl. I love boys. Handsome boys. I AM A BOY LOVER :)

Thanks for not being so bored of this sh*t.

Love, M